Work has begun on 4 new enclosures at SOS in preparation for a possible rescue of a number of large cats. Details are still being worked out but it looks like a few big cats may soon call SOS home.
SOS can use anyone who wants to volunteer to help build large rock shelters, help put up metal wire for the new enclosures, or help clear the areas where the new enclosures will go. Donations will gladly be accepted for the new expansion fund to purchase the materials and wire necessary to build the new enclosures. More information will follow as details are worked out. Currently, we are trying to get enough donations to cover the $4,500 cost of transporting the animals here from up north.
For more information on how you can help or volunteering at SOS, e-mail us at [email protected]

The lath will then be covered with concrete.

second level of an enclosure

to stay 😉